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Writer's pictureAnimal-Kind International

Supporting Liberia Animal Welfare and Conservation Society

Animal-Kind International has been supporting Liberia Animal Welfare and Conservation Society's Humane Education Program and remote Animal Care Clinics since 2016. Does Humane Education make a difference in the lives of animals and people? These kids say, YES, it does!

Lily and Good Friend

At home and around friends, Lily heard only negative things about dogs and what she heard caused her to be afraid of them. The LAWCS Humane Ed Program presented Lily with a different perspective. Now, Lily no longer fears dogs and she was able to convince her family to adopt little Good Friend.

Lorpu and Bingo

Because of Lorpu's participation in the LAWCS Humane Ed Program, she became interested in her family's dog, Bingo. She had never paid much attention to Bingo before, but having learned about dogs, their feelings, their needs, and their reliance on humans, Lily took an interest in Bingo's welfare and their bond has grown strong.

Esther and Lion

Esther is another girl who had no interest in dogs and even feared them until, as a participant in the LAWCS Humane Ed Program at her school, she learned more about dogs and all animals. Esther's family agreed to let her adopt Lion, and because of their close relationship, Esther has a new-found interest. She now serves as an official LAWCS Animal Kindness Advocate in her community. She is jokingly referred to as the Animal Girl by those who know her.   

Susan and Poor No

Susan had absolutely no interest in dogs, cats, and other animals. The LAWCS Humane Ed Program changed that! Susan found dog, Poor No, brought him home, and became the main caretaker of Poor No. This was a huge transformation for a girl who had barely given a second thought to animals, wild or domestic. Susan makes sure Poor No has enough food, clean water, a safe place to sleep, and gets plenty of exercise and socialization, all things she learned about in the LAWCS program.

Musu and Jungle

In Humane Education class, Musu learned about respect for and being kind to animals. Musu now understands her dog Jungle so much better than she did before she participated in the LAWCS program. And because of this mutual understanding, Musu and Jungle have become very close friends.

Papay and Good Friend

Papay rescued a helpless puppy he found in the middle of the road while traveling with his family. They took the puppy in and Papay named him Good Friend. Today, Good Friend is a healthy, happy, confident dog, deeply attached to Papay. If Papay hadn't been a Humane Education Program graduate, he would never have considered rescuing that poor, helpless puppy.

Morris with Peace

Morris considers Peace his best friend. They are inseparable and take part in many activities together. They even watch videos together on Morris' smartphone and Peace appears to enjoy them as much as Morris does! Morris would never have considered having a dog for a best friend and enjoying activities with a dog if it were not for the LAWCS Humane Ed Program.

These and other children like them are role models in their communities, inspiring kids to be kind to animals. The LAWCS Humane Education Program instills the values of kindness, compassion, and respect in every child, with the aim that they grow up understanding the importance of treating all living beings with care and love. By witnessing role models like Morris and Peace, children are motivated to build similar relationships, leading to a more compassionate society. 

Animal-Kind International is supporting Liberia Animal Welfare and Conservation Society's Humane Education Program at 10 schools in Zorzor District in Lofa County. According to Morris Darbo, Founder and Director of LAWCS, "AKI`s support continues to inspire and create lasting change in our communities."

Besides supporting Humane Education in Liberia, Animal-Kind International supports remote area animal care clinics, funds LAWCS operating costs, and we recently sent this laptop to LAWCS, donated by a kind supporter.

Every dollar donated to Animal-Kind International goes towards helping animals in need. To designate Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society for your donation:


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