Save Animals-Armenia: For the love of old dogs
I think most real dog lovers have extra love for old dogs. So you'll understand the depths to which Nune goes to care for the dogs at the SA-Armenia shelter, most of whom are elderly.

Nune buys canned dog food because many of them are unable to eat dry food and they need the nutrients of the special canned food (to stretch the food out a bit, she mixes it with oatmeal and meat and other goodies that the dogs like and that are good for them).

These are some of the old dogs now at the Save the Animals-Armenia shelter:
Nune buys dry food, mainly for the street dogs she feeds (more than 30 every day).

These are just a few of the street dogs that Nune feeds daily. They are sterilized by the municipality (you can see the tag in the ear).
We recently sent Nune funds from our AKI donors-carried to Armenia by a friend of AKI and SA-A. Nune will use most for dog food, some for meds, some for vet care. She's so concerned about "her" dogs, especially as winter approaches again and the old dogs have to make it through months of cold weather. The old dogs at the shelter do get to stay inside, where it's warm, but the SA-A heating bill is always SO high during the winter months.

Nune has given her life to these dogs-every day she's with them, her money is spent on them, her every thought is for them. Thank you for helping AKI help SA-Armenia and Nune!