Nairobi Feline Sanctuary-making improvements with an AKI grant
For the 2nd year in a row, Nairobi Feline Sanctuary received an Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant. This year NFS is constructing 40 individual cat sleeping units (kitty condos) and a small quarantine structure to hold incoming cats for 3 days. The sleeping units will allow NFS to care for more cats with fewer fights and less chance of disease transmission. The quarantine facility will ensure that before being released to the general sanctuary population, a cat is healthy and ready for life as part of a large group of kitties. The cats will still be out during the day in the nice play area constructed by NFS with the 2020 grant from AKI (NFS also constructed a small on-site spay/neuter clinic with the 2020 AKI grant).
These are the new kitty condos (still under construction):

The kitty condos are 3-stories; they have a living area, an “upstairs” bedroom, and a litter box space under the bedroom, all contained in one spacious unit. Whereas in the US, a shelter would purchase prefabricated kitty condos, NFS is constructing these from scratch, delicate and slow work, requiring carpentry expertise.
Just during August, NFS spayed 20 cats, neutered 30, and rescued 35 cats - 26 orphaned/abandoned kittens, two pregnant mothers, two nursing mothers, and the rest older cats. Thanks to the kitty condos, there was space for everyone!
These are some of the kitties rescued during August:
This kitten, now named Rosa, was rescued from a church compound found with both her eyes badly infected and totally glued together:

These kittens were found on the roadside and a member of the public brought them to NFS:

Daisy was rescued from a city apartment building. Residents were trying to kill her because she is lame-as you can see in this picture, her right front foot was injured or possibly she was born this way.

Celeste was rescued from hostile residents in a housing project-they just didn't like cats.

Leah is Celeste's kitten, rescued together with her mama:

Afro was surrendered to the sanctuary with four kittens. They have eye problems and she was suffering from acute diarrhea.

Celine has had a tragic life. She was living in the basement of an apartment building and was constantly having litter after litter. The residents hated her so much they would run over her kittens with their cars. The caretaker would take the remaining ones and dump them in the trash. When she came to NFS she was heavily pregnant and had cat flu. When she gave birth, she smothered her kittens to death. Once she realized she was safe, she has been fostering NFS kittens. She'll be spayed once the three kittens she's fostering now are weaned.

Tracy is paralyzed and has minimal control of her lower back. She is also incontinent. She was rescued from a roadside so there's no information about how she was injured. She generally does well, but she's at risk of getting sores on the side she drags herself on. NFS is in desperate need of a roomy enclosure for her, where she can play on padded floors.

Maya was rescued from a neighboring town heavily pregnant. NFS will spay a pregnant cat before she gives birth, but Maya was just about to have her kittens when rescued--too late to safely spay.

Molly was going to be killed because of his color. He was feral, but his rescuer did an amazing job and he's warming up to people now and has no interest in leaving the sanctuary. He just wants to eat, play, and sleep. He has a favorite spot at the sanctuary where he enjoys grooming himself in the morning sun.

New-as yet unnamed kitty-he was brought in with teary and pus-filled eyes. This seems to be an issue in Nairobi as 80% of all new kittens entering the sanctuary have eye problems.

Mort was found in an empty house, abandoned by her owners. She had severe cat flu, a broken tooth, and for her age, she is very small. She's been treated at NFS for all her medical issues, and is doing great now.

These are all healthy kittens that NFS rescued in August from various parts of the city. Three of these kittens were rescued from a dumpster.

Benji and Ginji were surrendered by their owners who were relocating and said they were unable to take the 2 cats along with them. This is Benji:

This is Ginji:

All these kitties rescued, provided with vet care, spayed/neutered, all of this done by one small cat sanctuary in Nairobi. Nairobi Feline Sanctuary is the cat's meow!