Kingston Community Animal Welfare, our impactful animal welfare partner in Kingston, Jamaica, even though their achievements speak for themselves (check out the stories below), their work is never done. And that's why they continue to need our help....and why we continue to help them. Here are some of their recent rescue cases.
From Deborah: I noticed Pokey for the first time while driving along a busy road. He was hungry and searching for food. I stopped to feed him, and he ate as much as he could before other hungry dogs who were nearby came along. He had mange and scratched the fur off his body leaving a bloody patch.

I didn't take him then because it's a dangerous part of town and owners, despite being cruel and uncaring of their pets, will not let you take their dogs. I drove by several times that week to see if he was there and never saw him.
Until a few days later I pulled over and asked a vendor who sells there every day if she saw him. The vendor pointed to a half finished house with overgrown shrubs and shouted for the man by name who took a while but eventually appeared. After a short chat I convinced him to let me take the dog to the vet. He agreed after asking me to make a 'donation' to his pocket. I was happy to once I got Pokey.

I took Pokey straight to the vet where he stayed for more than 3 weeks and continued to heal albeit slowly. I haven't found a home for him yet but I am sure he will soon be with a wonderful new owner. I told the original owner that poor Pokey didn't make it. He really couldn't have cared less. I wasn't going to bring Pokey back to this man.
These pups were added to the KCAW feeding route around Christmas 2023. They are locked in the yard and the people who live there throw meager bits of food on the ground for them.
Deborah told us, "The gate is huge and heavy but I put on my gloves and make an opening big enough to fit through. When it is padlocked I force the food through a small hole in a back fence. They are big now, but I'm still feeding them every day and still trying to get them out of there and into a home that where they will get the care they deserve.

From Deborah: This is Mr Gentleman. That's what his caretakers named him. He was a feral cat that just walked into their yard, and eventually their hearts and never left. He liked to roam and ended up with a head full of maggots from a wound he got from fighting.
They couldn't afford a vet so the people at the restaurant where I now feed 11 more cats and kittens gave her my number. They called me at home and I couldn't say no. She brought him over and I treated his wound and flushed out the maggots.

He was unusually well behaved during his ordeal and never once tried to bite or scratch me. I sent her home with a broad spectrum antibiotic, just in case, as the maggots were well stuck in and buried deep.
We made a plan to neuter Mr Gentleman the following week.

From Deborah: This mummy dog and her two pups have taken refuge in old abandoned power station. They seem to survive on food from people who park there, like taxi men, who eat their lunch under the shade of the trees and throw the remainder on the ground. When I drove into the site, it was eerily quiet with nobody there. It's full of rubbish, it's used as a dump.
Mummy and pups are wild and won't come to me yet, but am sure that will change soon. My first priority is to trap the mother and spay her. Judging from the age of her pups she will be mating again anytime soon.

From Deborah: As usual I don't have to drive very far before I have to stop and grab some food. There on a narrow lane off the beaten path were a very hungry mummy dog with her little pup.
I gave them three helpings. Then as I was about to leave here comes her second pup running as fast as his little legs will go to reach me before I left. I got back out of my car and refilled the food basin. I de-wormed both pups and the mama.

There is a run down house close by. I am sure they come from there. I am not too eager to venture inside yet as it's a not so safe an area. I added that lane to my feeding list at least until they are big enough and strong enough to make it on their own. The mama dog is tame enough to catch and spay. (Update: she was spayed on May 1!)
From Deborah: When I used to work downtown this area was a place I frequently visited. This particular family adopted two pups from me over 10 years ago. They live on the edge of a gully in very challenging conditions yet take the best care they can of their pets.
I made weekly checks on the pups for a while until i was satisfied they were in a good home. I eventually lost touch with them when the area became a hot spot for crime.
Then, 10 years on, I was heading downtown to help a lady catch two feral cats, when on turning the corner, a man shouts and waves his hands. I didn't stop as the area, while not as bad as it was, is still unsafe.
But he then shouted Dog lady!!!! DOG LADY!!!
I pulled over and then I recognized him. The pups were now old and arthritic but it was clear they were well fed.

He said, like many people, he and his wife lost their jobs during Covid and had a hard life since. But they still loved those dogs.
I gave each dog a Nexguard and a Prazivet and food. I swear I felt a tear escaping as I hugged my two little 'pups'. They didn't remember me but that's ok. I remember them. I promised to stop by at least once a month to make sure they were ok.
Shernette got in touch with Animal-Kind International pleading for help for the street cats--about 25 of them(!)-- she feeds. They stay around her house, but they aren't very approachable. Shernette's new neighbors dislike cats so much that they threatened the cats with harm if the cats come near.
We put Shernette in touch with Deborah, who went to meet Shernette and brought lots of cat food with her. Shernette can keep the cats safely inside while she and Deborah get to work on a solution.

Shernette was thrilled when Deborah agreed that she'll help get all the females spayed, would lend Shernette a carrier to get the kitties to the vet, and would try to find homes for the younger cats--at least. Shernette wrote, "Karen, I am so grateful for this."
In May, they started. Deborah and Shernette had the first two cats spayed.
Shernette wrote, "We began with the mother and grandmother of all the kitties. She's about 8 years old. Her name is Mami. Sort of on the wild side but very sweet cat. And the other is Jen-Jen. She was on heat."

We love being able to help people who really care for animals and try to do their best for them....but may just need a little help from us and our impactful animal welfare partner in Kingston, Jamaica, Kingston Community Animal Welfare.