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KCAW uses AKI donations to help Kingston's cats and dogs (July through October 2019)

The previous AKI Blog post about KCAW described several cats and dogs that KCAW helped earlier in 2019. This post starts where that one left off. KCAW relies on AKI for about 95% of their costs. They use AKI funds for cat and dog food, spay/neuter and other vet care, supplies (to treat mange, fleas, ticks, wounds), and when needed and available, for repair of KCAW kennels. KCAW helps Kingston's street animals and pets who belong to no/low income people in Kingston, Jamaica. This article is compiled from Deborah Binns' (KCAW founder & director) messages to AKI.

July 1: Never give up. He can pull through. If he doesn’t, just being with him and loving him for however long he's with us is all we can ask for. He knows you are there and that you love him! Those were the thoughts going through my mind when I found Baby a few weeks ago at the end of my Saturday rescue/feedings. It was quite fortuitous that I found him because I don’t ever drive that way. The road I usually use had a lot of traffic so I decided to detour on to a hardly used off road. And there he was, stretched up against the sidewalk, just him. No mama. No siblings. All alone. I searched the area in case I missed some. He seemed to have been there a while. He was very thirsty and hungry. I brought him home, gave him a much-needed bath and food, and soon, he was as happy and active as any other puppy. Baby was adopted by a family outside Kingston. He is the only pet and spoiled rotten!

Baby gets his 1st bath!

July 1: Their mother sent them out with the kittens to get rid of them. They would have been dumped. I came across these kids, as this was happening! I don’t know who was cuter, the boys or the kittens!! I talked to the boys about how this was wrong and their mother too. I'll be getting their mama cat spayed. [Update, early August: mama spayed, no more unwanted kittens.]

rescued kittens are safe at KCAW
Kittens - rescued, had a bath, eating their 1st meal at KCAW (and standing in their 1st meal)

July 22: Sometimes it happens so fast you're not able to even think of grabbing your phone, you just have that small window of opportunity to make the rescue! But in this instance I saw her coming from a long way off and was ready-check out the video. This little dog made me cry. First with untethered sadness then with joy at her rescue and survival. (During the rescue, she sure showed her will to live! By almost chewing off my hand!) When I stopped her and finally had her in my arms and I got a good look at her little face, the tears just came. I cried all the way to the vet. I think whoever had her threw her out when she got old and needed more care. I found her close to the downtown area. We named her Pepita. With Cindi’s help we are trying to get her well so she can be re-homed.

Update, end of July: Tammy (Montego Bay Animal Haven) adopted Pepita! That’s the best news. Cause nobody was going to take her, she is very old and beat up. She'll do great there!

July: This dog, Lady, lives at a car repair yard with many other dogs. She was injured-I don't know how, and maggots got into the wound. I knew I'd have to catch her to treat the wound, but Lady was not used to being touched. Even though I visit the yard at least once a week to feed her and her friends, I have never touched Lady. It took about an hour to lure her out from her hiding spot and I had to use my catch pole to get her from underneath the tires and other junk and into my car.

hiding dog
Lady hiding from Deborah as she tries to catch her to treat her wound

dog captured
Deborah worked for about 1 hour to capture Lady

dog captured
Lady in Deborah's car ready to go to the KCAW kennels

I brought Lady to the KCAW kennels and treated the maggot wound. After about 2 weeks, Lady fully recovered.

Lady gets a bath
Lady's wound-after her 1st bath at the KCAW kennels

maggot wound treatment
Lady at the KCAW kennels-getting her maggot wound treated

I returned Lady to the car repair yard so she could be with her doggie friends-she's much more comfortable there than at the KCAW kennels. I still go by at least once a week to feed the dogs there and check on everyone.

Sept 1: Rescued these puppies in the pouring rain-they had been dumped in this box, just left on the sidewalk. One of my contacts in that area called me about the puppies. All 3 are girls-that's why they were dumped. I brought them home, but sadly, one died-they were malnourished, full of worms, and the cold rain didn't help any. Gave them warm baths, de-wormed them.


Both puppies have been re-homed. [As always, all cats and dogs get spayed or neutered prior to or -if too young- after adoption. KCAW checks out all the adoptive homes before and after an adoption.]

Sept. 12: This video [below] is of the sweetest dog ever-BERNICE [the brown dog] who lives in a shack with two humans who don’t care about her-but won't give her up to me. I feed her almost every day now-she waits on the corner of the road as I come down the hill each day, she runs excitedly beside the car for her food! She LOVES to eat!! Now her neighborhood friends also join her to feast on the goodies.


Early October: This old girl got hit by a car years ago and the accident damaged her leg. She's had the problem with her elbow ever since, it gets infested with maggots. I treat it when it flares up. If it doesn't improve I'll take her to the KCAW kennels, but right now, I have no space-2 dogs and 6 pups in the kennel and 10 out front. I'll find some place for her since I'll probably need to have access to treat her wound everyday. This is the worst I have seen it and may need a vet visit.


maggot wound treatment
Deborah treats a wound on the dog's elbow that is infected with maggots

Mid-October: She's doing great! Still hobbling a little, but no more maggots or pain. It will never heal completely especially since it's at the elbow so I have resigned myself to look after her till it’s her time. I stopped there this morning on the way to work. Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday are their days. I checked it, cleaned, it and sprayed it. She ate up her breakfast, beat up the little dog that lives on the same street for coming too near her food, and licked my face when I bent to kiss her goodbye!-So she's feeling back to normal!


How does KCAW use the donations you send to AKI? Here's how in a pie chart:

About 95% of KCAW's costs are covered by AKI donors! We hope that you'll consider a donation to the only animal welfare organization in Kingston that helps street animals and pets who belong to no/low income families. We're grateful for your support.

Animal-Kind International

PO Box 300
Jemez Springs, NM 87025 USA  
Phone: 575-834-0908

Animal-Kind International achieved Great NonProfit status 2024 for animal rescue and protection around the world.
Animal-Kind International achieved the Platinum Candid Seal for animal rescue protection welfare and care around the world.
Through ebay for charity sales go towards Animal-Kind International global rescue protection care and welfare.
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