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Have a Heart-Namibia Update: Sept-Dec 2022 (Part 1)

Writer's picture: Animal-Kind InternationalAnimal-Kind International

This AKI Blog post (and the next, Part 2) continues where we left off last (here), with more AKI-Have a Heart-Namibia Emergency Fund cases.


In September, Tiger, who lives with the Isaacks family in Maltahöhe, was brought to Dr. Baines' mobile clinic. Tiger had a large tumor on his right side below his neck. Luckily, thanks to the AKI-HaH Emergency Fund, Dr. Baines didn't have to think about how and if he could help Tiger. He was immediately booked for his neuter and for the lifesaving surgery. We received a follow-up message telling us that Tiger is doing perfectly!

dog under anesthesia
Tiger, immediately after the tumor was removed

Blanka, from Rehoboth, was found a few years ago with his two siblings in a box under a bridge-dumped like trash. Blanka's siblings found other homes, and Blanka was adopted by Charlotte, a cat fosterer in Rehoboth. In September, Blanka seemed unwell, he wasn't eating and he was sneezing. Charlotte took Blanka to the Rehoboth vet clinic and when they took his temperature, it was over 40 degrees celsius! He was put on antibiotics and kept separated from Charlotte's other cats. Blanka slowly improved, his fever came down, he started eating, and he recovered--his vet care was covered by the Emergency Fund.

kitty at vet
Blanka was a very sick little kitty!

Vladimir wasn't feeling well, he was losing weight, didn't seem to have energy. His owner was worried and brought him for a check up. The vet suspected parasites making his life difficult, but it could also be a problem with his liver. At first he was given de-wormer, but there was no noticeable improvement over the next two weeks and his mom was still very worried. So the AKI-HaH Emergency Fund stepped in and covered the liver tests for Vladimir. Luckily they came back all clear. Vladimir got another batch of de-wormer and they finally kicked in and he was feeling better. Geesche (HaH) sent this message, "Thank you AKI for taking a lot of worries away from Vladimir's mom and making the world again a better place for someone who cares a lot about a little random black cat from Africa!"

kitty going to the vet
Vladimir on his way to the vet

This is Japan, who is part of the van Wyk family in Rehoboth. In September, Japan's family brought him to Dr. Baines' mobile clinic when it came through Rehoboth. Dr. Baines saw that Japan's right eye was in bad shape and he decided the best option for Japan to live a pain free life was to remove it. Japan left the clinic feeling 100% better!

dog's eye was removed
Japan's eye had to be removed (the Emergency Fund covered the cost of surgery)


Lady had a very sore and swollen foot--and it had been that way for a month! Lady's family couldn't afford the exploratory surgery to diagnose the problem. In discussions with HaH, the decision was made to do the surgery and sterilize her in one go. What luck! It turned out she had half a toothpick stuck between her metacarpal bones! Unfortunately the foot surgery took so long and the foot was so infected that the vet didn't spay her at the same time. But true to their word, the owners brought Lady back to be spayed. "Thank you AKI for giving Lady the chance of a happy and pain free life! She is so much loved and so important for her family, it would have stressed them a lot if they not would have been able to give Lady the help she needed! THANK YOU!!!!" ~ Geesche

Dog and her mom
Lady: after her 2 surgeries

In November, Fluffy-Jack from Luderitz had a real problem: He was bitten by another dog on his penis... the result was a big abscess and granuloma. Poor Fluffy-Jack! Luckily, a ride was found for Fluffy-Jack to Mariental (550 km awy) to Dr. Erna's clinic. He stayed there over a month. First the infection needed to be treated and when it was under control, Dr. Erna amputated his glans. She said "luckily the damage was mostly on the head, so he kept most of his penis". When he was healthy enough, Dr Erna gave him a lift back home to Luderitz. "Thank you so much AKI for helping Fluffy-Jack in times he was suffering so much - this was a true emergency situation." ~ Geesche

injured dog
Fluffy-Jack's injury

This is little Blackie from Rehoboth. He was neutered (HaH-Namibia) in October, but then came back to the Rehoboth clinic in November where he ended up staying for 2 weeks. He had a skin problem and needed treatment every day - sometimes just cleaning, sometimes injections. The clinic ran out of food for Blackie. In addition to the care he received, the Emergency Fund covered his food, as well, since he needed to gain a bit of weight and get stronger to help improve his skin and coat.

Blackie the cat
Blackie, skin problem treated & he got extra nutritious food too!

Little Noisette was a semi feral cat being fostered by Ronja, while waiting for her forever home. Her brother, a Siamese looking cat, was adopted quickly, but Noisette is a black cat and no one wanted to give her a home. One day in October, Noisette wasn't feeling well and Ronja took her to the vet. It turned out she had an infection. She went home with Ronja and was quarantined while on antibiotics.

By October 30, Noisette was still not well, and Ronja wondered if the antibiotics weren't working. They returned to the vet, where Noisette was hospitalized, still under the AKI-HaH Emergency Fund.

Further tests found that Noisette had a neurological problem and sadly she died soon after. Even though she never found her forever home, she was loved and the plan was to give her a chance to have a long happy, healthy life like any cat deserves.

Black semi feral kitty
Noisette returned to the vet clinic when even with antibiotics, she wasn't recovering

At the end of October, Little Granny was heavily pregnant when someone kicked her (almost unbelievable!) Luckily someone cared about her and brought her to the clinic in Rehoboth. She needed surgery immediately, but her only kitten was dead. Granny was spayed and stayed at the clinic for a few days while she was being monitored. Then Penny from the Rehoboth clinic found a new and safe home for Granny, some place where she will never ever be kicked again in her life!

Granny, she's safe now

Knowledge and Wisdom were brother and sister and both contracted parvo. Sadly, Wisdom didn't make it (their story is here). The AKI-HaH Emergency Fund paid for the care of both puppies.

At the end of October, Knowledge returned to the vet clinic (a 30 km trip - each way) for her spay and vaccination. She was picked up again by the animal inspector of Oshana SPCA and got a ride to the clinic in Oshakati. "Her owner is so thankful that Knowledge got the help she needed when she was very sick. Knowledge is her best friend and they spend a lot of time together. Thank you so much to all AKI supporters for making it possible to help Knowledge when it was needed most!" ~ Geesche

Knowledge's brother, Wisdom, who died from parvo:


Animal-Kind International was one of the sponsors of this dipping day--it's all part of keeping Namibia's cats and dogs healthy (and spayed and neutered!)


We've had SO many AKI-HaH Emergency Fund cases in the last few months--but it doesn't end here. There's a Part 2....stay tuned!

Animal-Kind International

PO Box 300
Jemez Springs, NM 87025 USA

Animal-Kind International achieved Great NonProfit status 2024 for animal rescue and protection around the world.
Animal-Kind International achieved the Platinum Candid Seal for animal rescue protection welfare and care around the world.
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