During 2020, like most of you, we have had to transition to new ways of working. Although we hope that some won’t be permanent (limited travel and face-to-face interactions), we’ve made some positive changes that we do intend to make permanent. We’ve been Zooming with our Partners and Grant Recipients regularly and sometimes it’s been almost as nice as being there. And in response to requests from AKI friends who would like to help out (especially when people 1st found themselves with more time on their hands due to covid-19 restrictions), we started the Friendly Audit process (helping organizations in non-financial ways: editing educational and fundraising material, creating websites, strengthening their communications and social media).
We’re grateful also for some things that didn’t change in 2020: We continued to help our Partner Organizations, who receive ongoing AKI funding (as long as they continue to fulfill AKI requirements) and we held the Third Annual Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Program. In 2020, we were able to support:
11 AKI Partner Organizations in: Armenia, Ghana, Honduras, Jamaica, Liberia, Namibia, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda
9 AKI Grant Recipients in: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (2 grantees), Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe (3 donkey welfare projects, 5 projects that focus on cats and dogs, and 1 that covers small and large animal care.)
10 Friendly Audits in: Tanzania (3), Cameroon, Kenya, Mali, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Somaliland, The Gambia (some are still hoping to be matched with a volunteer). For a total of: 25 organizations in 20 countries!
We’ve been able to help so many because of your committed support. And I believe you’ve continued to stand with us because you know that your donations are used-100%--to help animals, and that we do this through local organizations, who are best placed to speak for animals in their communities; and who uphold the highest standards, as you have also come to expect-and should expect-from AKI. We wish you a happy, healthy, safe, holiday season and that the transition to 2021 brings joy into your lives and to those you care for.
Reminder to monthly donors! You should have received your end of year thank you email from me with the total you donated in 2020. If you didn't receive it yet please get in touch.
An AKI supporter who wanted to help us in a new, creative way, and opened an Etsy shop to benefit AKI (another positive transition!). We especially love the cat and dog stationery prints! (When you click the link, you’ll reach an AKI page with the Etsy shop info and link to the Etsy shop at the top of the page.)
There’s still time to earn double for your donation to Animal-Kind International for Uganda Society for the Protection & Care of Animals’ Land Fund. A kind and generous donor is continuing to match your donation through December 23, 2020! Click on the link above, and in the comment box in the donation form, please note that your donation is for the Land Fund (or just send a follow-up message to me to let me know).
The AKI Blog: More Transitions We have only 2 new AKI Blog posts this month, but both are so worth reading:
Transitions: Uganda Society for the Protection & Care of Animals in the 2nd half of 2020 - Read about heartwarming transitions that cats and dogs made thanks to the USPCA Haven. As most of you know, we’re hoping to see the USPCA itself make a very big transition in 2021 to a new, larger, more secure, and USPCA-owned shelter. (Below, see “before”-2nd picture and “after”-1st picture (because we like to give good news 1st!) of a puppy who arrived at the USPCA Haven; what a transition after 82 maggots were removed!)
Sauvons nos Animaux (Democratic Republic of Congo) completes their grant project - You really need to read this post! We start it with a picture story of pre-, during, and post-construction of 2 new pens at the SnA shelter (the grant project). But most of the post is about how Paterne went from rescuing 1 puppy to operating the 1st shelter for cats and dogs in eastern DRC (another transition, and this one is almost unbelievable).
Thank you from AKI & our supported-organizations!
We’ve seen so many changes, so many positive ones, for animal welfare in Africa. The number of organizations helping animals has increased significantly; awareness of animals’ needs and welfare has grown immensely; and the number of people actively rescuing and helping animals grows daily. We look to 2021, in partnership with you, our supporters, for more positive transitions.
Please help us get the word out about AKI by forwarding this message to your friends and family who love animals. Please stay safe and healthy and have a festive holiday season. See you in 2021.
With Gratitude, Karen Menczer, Founder & Director & the AKI Board