Kindness to Animals has no Boundaries May 2023 Dear Animal-Kind Friends,
Our 6th annual Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization (AWO) Grant Program is now accepting proposals! AWOs can submit proposals until midnight GMT, 15 June 2023. Before you submit your proposal, please make sure you read the guidelines and FAQs.
You may also wish to read about previous grants we’ve awarded to get an idea of the types of projects we’ve funded. Descriptions of the 2022 grant projects are available on the AKI website (and descriptions of each year’s grant projects are also available, going back to the 1st year we started the program, 2018).
DONORS! Our grant program is the only program of its kind, specifically for Africa-based organizations; only for animal welfare organizations; and entirely donor-funded. And we also offer admin and technical support to grant recipients who need a bit of extra help. You can donate for a portion of a grant (any amount); you can donate for a full grant; and/or you can designate a preferred country or type of grant! This is such a wonderful way to have a big impact on animal welfare in a resource-poor country, and to help a very worthy organization do more for animals. Send me a message if you’re interested in supporting our 6th annual grant program.

Read what Donkeys for Africa/Eseltjiesrus Donkey Sanctuary had to say about one of our 2022 grants when they visited SPCA-Grahamstown: “While we were there I noticed the new kennel gates that Animal-Kind International had funded – what an improvement to the old rusty, dilapidated gates. Thank you to your organization - it not only improves the safety of the dogs but adds to the general impression of neatness and being proud of their premises. They are a small SPCA working in a difficult, poverty-stricken area with many challenges to face. I personally want to thank A-KI for supporting this very practical aspect of their needs.”
Read what other AKI grantees have said about us here. And please donate so we can help more worthy Africa-based animal welfare organizations with a grant from Animal-Kind International.
In this newsletter, we also have updates from our Partner Organizations Uganda Society for the Protection & Care of Animals, Have a Heart-Namibia, Sauvons nos Animaux-Congo, and Helping Hands for Hounds of Honduras.
Animal-Kind International Blog (May 2023)
AKI Partner Have a Heart-Namibia (Part 1): We’ve helped more AKI-HaH Emergency Fund clients in the 1st few months of 2023 than we did in the 1st half of 2022: read 11 of their stories here. We also sponsored 2 dipping days to help keep already spayed/neutered pets parasite-free. The AKI-HaH Emergency Fund provides the only help, in the case of an emergency, for very low/no income pet owners, who have gotten their pets spayed or neutered through HaH (or who commit to do so).
Have a Heart-Namibia (Part 2): Your donations helped so many AKI-HaH Emergency Fund clients, we continued their stories in a 2nd AKI Blog post: read 9 more stories here.
Tiny is one of our recent AKI-HaH Emergency Fund clients. She was found in a terrible state, all alone, sick, hungry, and scared, she had only been in this world for about 6 weeks, what a cruel welcome! After being ignored by passersby, finally a kind-hearted person stopped to help and brought her to a nearby clinic. Luckily the clinic staff knew of the AKI-HaH Emergency Fund and requested our help. Of course we agreed, this tiny kitty needed to know kindness. (Photo below: Tiny recovering at the vet clinic)

AKI Partner Uganda SPCA: Thanks to your support, we’ve been able to help the USPCA with anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 of their operating costs over the past many years. Most of the funding is for things that typical grant-making organizations won't cover. But AKI is different: our Partner Organizations can use AKI funds for their priority needs, whatever they may be as long as they support animal welfare. This type of funding-not tied to a specific project and outcome-is so important for organizations that struggle to raise money just to keep the basics up and running. Because your donations provide this type of support, the rescues and adoptions in this AKI Blog post have been possible.
More AKI Partner Updates
Helping Hands for Hounds of Honduras: As we mentioned in last month’s newsletter, Pilar (HHHH) is combining the care of her sanctuary cats and dogs with a new phase: sharing over 40 years of skills and knowledge with other rescue groups. As part of that, HHHH is working with Organización ARI to promote Humane Education. Using HE material sent by AKI (and more on the way from Lakes Animal Friendship Society), Pilar, Wendy (ARI), and an ARI rescue puppy have been visiting classrooms to spread the message of kindness to animals (and people too!).

(Photo: Last week, Pilar, Wendy, and an ARI rescue puppy spent over 3 hours with 15 students and 2 teachers in 2nd grade and with 24 students and 2 teachers in 3rd grade. The students loved everything. Of course they loved the puppy most. After the puppy, their next favorite was making animal puppets.)
Sauvons nos Animaux (DR Congo): Also in last month’s newsletter, we mentioned that we had discussed with Paterne (Sauvons nos Animaux director) about replacing the shelter’s perimeter fence that had blown over vs. constructing a wall. And we decided to go with a wall + erosion control + drainage to ensure that the shelter will never again sustain damage from landslides, mudslides, and flooding. The work was moving slowly at 1st because of the rains, but it’s now on the fast track. Check out this video to see what’s involved in building a wall in Bukavu, DRC (what an amazing job these guys are doing!) And please consider donating-we are still trying to raise money to cover the full cost of this very necessary wall!
As always, we are very grateful to you for your kindness and generosity. Our success is your success, our achievements for animals are only possible because of your support. We Are Very Gratefully Yours, Karen Menczer, Founder/Director & the Animal-Kind International Board
AKI has Partner Organizations in Uganda (2 partners), Namibia (2 partners), DR Congo, Ghana, South Sudan, Liberia, Honduras, Jamaica, and Armenia. You can donate to AKI’s general fund or designate your donation to one or more of our Partner Organizations. We’ll announce winners of our 2023 Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Program on 1 August! AKI: Since 2007, helping animals and the people who care for them in some of the poorest countries.
For a donation of $15 or more, you can get a Pet Portrait (example below).

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; donations to AKI are tax deductible in the US to the extent the law allows. 100% of your donations are used to support our Partner Organizations & our Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Program.