By Ekwa N’tende Dieumerci, Chargé de Projet et Administration-Save Animals & World Animal Day Ambassador in DRC
An activity of the Save Animals-DRC organization that aims to restore the smile to the young and old ones by offering them a recreational day with various activities:
- quiz games about animals, - projection of videos about animals, - awareness against the consumption of dogs and cats in the DRC

This Saturday, 20 July, we visited the CSK orphanage (Kintambo).
Result: - 26 children themselves testified to have had swollen lips or lesions on the skin after eating cat or dog meat. They decided not to take this risk anymore. - They promised not to eat their cat that they raised to eat and together with us they gave it a name Mowgli.

We are open for a collaboration with any other organization or agency that will want to accompany us in this activity so that they also bring a smile to the children in their own way.
The activity is publicized (TV, radio and social networks) Siloe TV/B-One
#PlaceAuxAnimauxEnRdc @ Kinshasa, Congo
One month earlier, on 21 June, Ekwa sent this message to AKI:
I wanted to tell you about an activity that we named "Bring a Smile" in which we visit old people's home and orphanages and give them a smile through animal shows, awareness with various entertainment. This activity is in the way of promoting pets.
Yes we know that people are afraid of dogs and we do all of this because we want to change that.
During the sensitization in the schools we preferred to bring with us a bichon (small dog and well socialized for not to frighten the children and to allow them to receive the message).
For Bring a Smile we will take three types of dogs, small, medium, and large size.
We have a fun program with our dog trainer partners to animate and play games showing that the dog can be a human's best friend.
In the beginning it will be difficult as it was in schools, but after a few tries we will correct errors and improve as we move from one place to another.