Kindness to Animals has no Boundaries
April 2024
Dear Animal-Kind Friends,
It’s time to start preparing for our 2024 Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Program—our 7th annual! We’ll be accepting proposals from May 21 to June 21. Applicants can find all the information they’ll need to apply here,
Our grant program is 100% donor-funded and the more donations we receive, the more grants we can fund. Last year we supported 8—ALL WONDERFUL(!)— grantees (that’s in addition to support for our Partner Organizations): 2 in Tanzania, 2 in South Africa, 2 in Zimbabwe, 1 in Namibia, 1 in Morocco, all described here:
Please consider donating a partial amount or the full amount of a grant—our grant program has turned into a great way to support some really effective animal welfare organizations in Africa, like 1st time AKI grantee, Tanzania Small Veterinary Organization (see their profile below). (Have questions, want more info before you click donate? Contact AKI!)
We want you to meet some of the people who are the heart and soul of and the driving force behind our Partner Organizations and recent Grantees (they’ll all tell you that they don’t do this alone….but we chose them as representative of their organizations). Once you get to know them, I think you’ll feel like I do—that you want to help them and their organizations in their heroic efforts—AND YOU CAN! (You can always designate your donation to AKI for your favorite organization(s)). In May’s newsletter, we’ll have more “faces of African animal welfare” + Honduras and Jamaica too.
Read about their challenges, their needs, and their greatest hopes.
Also, for the most recent news, read this AKI Blog post about the USPCA: Uganda SPCA: Important Updates (April 23, 2024),
Read this AKI Blog post for the most recent news about SnA: Sauvons nos Animaux-Congo: what a start to 2024! (April 12, 2024),
Catch up with Twala Trust in this AKI Blog post: February & March at Twala Trust-Zimbabwe (April 22, 2024),
Another article in April’s AKI Blog is: A surprise ending to Blind Love’s grant project!
Blind Love (South Africa) was a 2023 Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Program recipient. With the AKI grant, they built field shelters for their rescued donkeys and horses. I don’t want to give away the surprise ending, but I’ll tell you that it’s about the horse in the photo below and I promise you, it will bring joy to your heart.
With gratitude for your kindness and your much-needed and appreciated support,
Karen Menczer, Founder/Director
& the Animal-Kind International Board
AKI has Partner Organizations in Uganda, Namibia, DR Congo, Ghana, South Sudan, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Honduras, and Jamaica. You can donate to AKI’s general fund or designate your donation to one or more of our Partner Organizations.
Our 2023 (6th annual) Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Program grantees work in: Zimbabwe (2 grantees), Tanzania (2 grantees), South Africa (2 grantees), Morocco, and Namibia.
AKI: Since 2007, helping animals and the people who care for them in some of the poorest countries.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; donations to AKI are tax deductible in the US to the extent the law allows. 100% of your donations are used to support our Partner Organizations & our Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Program.