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Have A Heart-Namibia & AKI in 2019

So far, in 2019, HAH-Namibia has used AKI funds for emergency vet care, booster vaccinations, and parasite treatments. Geesche Neuberg (HAH-Namibia) gives the details below.


The Mobile Animal Clinic headed south this month and saw a lot of old Have a Heart customers. Especially in Luderitz, Dr. Baines was very impressed with the many healthy animals he saw. AKI plays a big part in this success. Especially in Luderitz we have a huge problem with mange, but we are finally winning! He said only two dogs had a little bit of mange! Can you believe it? When we started mange was such a common thing, I'd say at least 50% of all township dogs had obvious mange, and even more when you count little mange patches at the ears or under the arm for example.

The inland towns have a huge problem with ticks, so many dogs have tick bite fever.... Here it is again, you will never know how many lives have been saved and how much suffering is prevented by treating the animals against parasites.

To have the biggest impact we do not only dip the dogs, they get an injection to also catch the internal parasites. Losing weight due to severe worms can be fatal in a township, where life is already tough...

This is again not a "big story" like saving a dog's life that got hit by a car, this is a 5 year in the making story, saving hundreds of lives by treating them against parasites! This would not be possible without AKI!!! THANK YOU!!

Animals treated against parasites

April 2019

Keetmanshoop: 42 dogs, 2 cats

Bethanie: 46 dogs, 6 cats

Luderitz: 83 dogs, 9 cats

Maltahohe: 10 dogs, 1 cat

All of the animals are already sterilised ( = good animals citizens, hahaha), so this is only the follow up visitor's numbers.

Below- a few before - after pictures of animals with mange

Before-After treatment for mange


March has been a fantastic month for the Have a Heart animals in Namibia thanks to AKI!

During two spay trips to Otjiwarongo and Outjo and to Gobabis, Drimiopsis and Witvlei, AKI helped the following animals with the so important booster vaccinations and parasite treatments:

--At total of 8 cats received anti-parasite treatment, 5 of them a booster rabies vaccination

--95 dogs received anti-parasite treatment, 35 of them a full booster vaccination

As African wild dogs have been recently seen in the area around Gobabis, Drimiopsis, and Witvlei, it is important to keep domestic dog vaccinations up to date; canine distemper virus from domestic dogs is a serious threat to the endangered African wild dog. Besides all the many other advantages of vaccinating dogs and cats, knowing our Have a Heart family members are posing no risk to African wild dogs is a huge relief!

Thanks a million again!!!!

March HAH clinic (picture by Mobile Animal Clinic Namibia)


We saw in total 111 dogs and 2 cats on our vaccination day, all of them received anti-parasite treatment and 50 of them were due for their booster vaccination!

Up to date vaccination is so important as we have lots of parvo and also some distemper deaths in this area... Vaccination is the key to keep the animals healthy!

As we have a huge problem with mange and of course there are lot and lots of fleas, ticks (all houses are built on plain sand) and worms (only a handful of houses have running water), parasite treatment in dogs and cats is essential to keeping not only animals but also their families healthy! Pictures from February's vaccination day below:

February vaccination day

February vaccination day

February vaccination day

Also in February, the mobile clinic was able to vaccinate and treat against parasites in total 37 dogs and 1 cat in Kamanjab and in Khorixas 15 dogs and 3 cats! Thank you so so so much! Especially Khorixas is somehow a "forgotten" town but the dog and cat owners are so grateful for the support!



Pinky, a little piglet (first time we were asked for help for a pig or piglet!) was brought in to Dr. Baines at the HAH clinic in Khorixas. Pinky had a big hernia. Luckily Dr. Baines was able to help Pinky and the little one is already feeling so much better! We were only able to help little Pinky because of AKI.

Pinky before hernia surgery

Pinky after hernia surgery

But that's not all! AKI saved another life! Wagter came in with an ingrown collar. His family would not have been able to do anything about it without AKI's emergency fund. Because of AKI it was no question Wagter will get what is needed in order for him to heal! Dr. Baines removed the collar, cleaned and stitched the wound, neutered and vaccinated Wagter and treated him against parasites. He got a vitamin and a pain injection and antibiotics. (2 pictures below)

Wagter with an ingrown collar visits the HAH clinic to get help

Although blurry, this shows Wagter, after treatment, with his owner

Peet broke his leg twice! He is from Mondesa location in Swakopmund and his owner Mr. Haraseb asked for help for little Peet. Peet's leg got fixed and he got neutered at the Swakop Vet Clinic, thanks to AKI!!!! He will have to come in for a bandage change, and then to get the bandage removed, but after that should be back to normal.

Peet at the vet clinic where his leg was repaired thanks to AKI's Emergency Fund



Fire, he broke his leg when he got hit by a car, probably on his way looking for a female dog In heat... His owner brought him to the clinic on Saturday evening and Dr. Tharina phoned me. She said Fire will need surgery but his owner can't afford it, will AKI be able to help? I said yes, the Emergency Fund is for dogs like Fire. Fire is now recovering at home. He was of course also neutered, vaccinated, and treated against parasites. He received his vitamin injection to boost his healing and of course pain medication! Happy days for Fire and his family!! Thank you AKI!!!

Fire and his owner


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Phone: 575-834-0908

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