Thank you to Nune Mehrabyan, SAA shelter founder/director, for this report about how SAA spent AKI funds and thank you to Gayane Barsegyan for sending us great pictures from her visit to the SAA shelter during November!
In the last half of 2018, Nune spent AKI funds to pay for dog food for shelter animals, surgeries and other vet care, and for salaries of shelter workers. Nune feeds shelter dogs a mix of dry food, rice, oatmeal, and meat. She purchased the food in the pictures below thanks to donations to AKI. This amount of food lasts only one month though!

Nune also purchased Renal Diet, a special dog food for one of the shelter dogs who is on a restricted diet. One day of Renal Diet dog food costs US$4.00!

One of the shelter dogs had a cancerous mass on her stomach. Nune used AKI funds for surgery and after-care and the dog is now fine! The 1st picture is post-surgery; the 2nd picture shows the dog; and the 3rd picture shows the mass on her stomach before surgery.

Besides vet care to remove the cancerous mass and for post-surgery cancer treatment, Nune spent AKI funds for blood tests, medicines, and sterilizations. Nune can use AKI donations for the priority needs of SAA shelter dogs so they remain happy and healthy, like in this video.
In this video, you can see how well the dog, who was treated for cancer, recovered from surgery and treatment.
We also covered the cost of SAA worker salaries for 2 months. It's tough to take care of 160 older dogs and we're happy to be able to contribute to SAA's employees' well-being.
Here are pictures from Gayane, taken in November 2018, of some of the SAA shelter dogs--AKI donors, they are kept healthy, well-fed, and warm thanks to your help!