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How Uganda SPCA Used Disbursement 3 of 2016 (during January-May 2017)

Writer's picture: Animal-Kind InternationalAnimal-Kind International

AKI sends all of our partner organizations 3 disbursements/year. For each disbursement, our partners are required to provide detailed information about how they use AKI donor funds. We send disbursements around 1 May, 1 September, and 30 December each year. So the 3rd disbursement of the year is usually used during the first months of the next year.

Uganda SPCA used our 3rd disbursement of 2016 during January-May 2017 for the following.

1. USPCA Staff Salaries (approximately US$905)

-Salaries for January 2017 for:







Dr. Josephine Vet

Alex supplement salary from October 2016 through March 2017

2. USPCA staff supplies (US$135)

-Digital Nikon camera (to replace the very old digital camera that was no longer working)

-Safety helmet when riding on boda bodas when going for rescues

3. Propane and firewood to cook cat and dog food for 3 months and dog, puppy, and cat food for 2 months (US$1400)-mainly posho, rice, milk, meat, mince, bones, and silverfish

4. Airtime and transport for rescues for 2 months to Ntinda, Lubowa, Industrial Area, Makerere, Gayaza, Mukono, Nakawa, Entebbe, Old Kampala, Bugolobi, Garuga, Wandegaya, Kyambogo (US$200)

5. January rent of The Haven shelter (US$800)

6. Repairs and construction (US$227)

-Refurbishment of cat room (garage) - plywood, nails, + labor

7. Medicine and disinfectants for 2 months (US$663)

Thiopental, Ketamine, Surgical gloves, Sevostat, Rabies vaccination, Cotton, Dentol, Cocktail vaccine for dogs, Xylazine, Surgical blades, Diclofenac, Drontal for dogs, Thiopental, Syringes, Surgical spirit, Lignocaine, Dispoable gloves Chlorhexidine, Augmentin tablets, Jik, Eye drops, Frusemide tablets, Dog blood test, Vitamin B, Metrogil gel, Examination gloves, Ecodax cream, Savlon, Doxycline tablets, Amitix MCG, Metrogin, Contrim, Ecodax, Vacuum tube clot activator and EDTA.K2

The remaining balance of US$407 from disbursement 3 of 2016 will cover Alex's salary supplement, as needed in 2017.

Without this AKI disbursement, the Uganda SPCA would not have been able to go on the rescues, cover staff salaries, feed the many cats and dogs and provide vet care during these early months of 2017--in other words, the Uganda SPCA would have had to shut down if not for AKI donors!

See the March 27, 2017 AKI Blog post (Here's How our AKI Donors Support the Uganda SPCA) for some of the cats and dogs helped during the period covered by this 3rd disbursement. Some other lucky cats and dogs rescued and rehabbed during this period are:

This poor little thing-looks like a scared lamb-was rescued by the USPCA team on the night of 25 May from Kisementi area of Kampala. As you can see, the leg had a bad break, which was treated at the USPCA Haven.

Rescued from Kisementi area of Kampala, this looks like a little lamb, but it's a dog

Kisementi rescue-had a really bad broken leg

Also at the end of May, the USPCA rescued 6 puppies that were found in Bunga and brought them to the shelter. Luckily, someone stepped up to foster them for the 1st days because The Haven was so full and desperately needed to get some of the dogs and cats to foster homes or better, to forever homes.

6 puppies found in Bunga, rescued and safe at The Haven

Karen A. adopted Bruce on 26 May and brought him back to Mbarara, where they now live.

Karen adopted Haven dog Bruce!

On 29 May, the USPCA team rescued these stranded puppies from this sewage drainage channel after a community member called the USPCA to alert them of the puppies' predicament. You can see the entire rescue in pictures below-Alex had to climb into the ditch to get the puppies to safety! The mama dog was also there, but she was unable to help her puppies and wasn't approachable.

Mama dog in foreground, sewage channel where puppies were stranded-you can see them on the far side

Puppies stranded on the far side of the channel with no place to go

Alex had to climb into the ditch to rescue the puppies

Alex carries the puppies out 1 by 1

Alex hands over the rescued puppies

Heroic puppy rescue!


Around mid-May, the USPCA received a phone call about this tiny kitty stuck in a concrete lined ditch. The team headed to the site and rescued the kitten, naming him So (for little soul). Imagine if it rained-these channels fill up with water and trash and this kitty would have been washed away.

Rescued! Kitten was stuck in this concrete drainage channel

These kitties were left behind in this compound in Muyenga Tank Hill to fend for themselves. The USPCA team was traveling there daily to care for them and when there was space-around mid-May, they moved the kitties to The Haven where they were sterilized and vaccinated.

Kitties were left behind when the owner left and there was no one to care for them

On 14 May, the USPCA team rescued this sweet young boy, who was not well adapted to life on Kampala's streets. He was really struggling! USPCA volunteer Diane decided to foster him-and he really enjoyed that! -see the 2nd picture below.

This dog went from a life struggling on the streets of Kampala

To a life of bliss at a foster home!

No matter how many cats and dogs the USPCA spays and neuters, it's impossible to catch up --there are so many cats and dogs in Uganda in need of sanctuary. The Kampala-Entebbe area (the main part of Uganda that the USPCA serves) is poor, has a very high concentration of people and animals, and while the USPCA has a Humane Ed Programme and when ever funds allow, they hold community spay/neuter clinics, and of course, all cats and dogs who leave The Haven are sterilized 1st, they are still years away (and many thousands of dollars away) from reaching a more manageable level of population growth (cats and dogs, as well as humans). Lucky for all of us (mostly for the cats and dogs of Uganda) that the USPCA is there and that AKI supporters are willing to help! (To donate to AKI for the Uganda SPCA, visit

To end on a happy note, we'll leave you with Kurti's story (from Alex Ochieng):

This amazing couple, Ulrike and Bernd, stopped by the USPCA on 16 November 2016 with a dog named Kurti, who they rescued from Luzira during their tour in Uganda from Germany.

Ulrike asked how she can adopt Kurti and take him to Germany. We explained to her everything and connected her with Dr. Alex who is dealing with pet travel.

Ulrike and Bernd went back home to Germany leaving Kurti at the USPCA knowing that they will come back and take him with them in March 2017.

Dr. Alex sent the blood sample for Kurti to South Africa for testing in December 2016. But Kurti didn't pass the the test! It was so disappointing for us when the results came back negative that Kurti would not be able to travel to Germany in March 2017.

After receiving the bad news from Dr. Alex all of us kept quiet for a few weeks without communication. Then one day in the morning, I received an email from Ulrike saying that "Alex!! am not going to give up, Kurti is going to have another blood test." Dr. Alex came and took Kurti's blood sample for the second time to SA. And this time Kurti made it and all of us were proud and happy.

Kurti was such a gentle boy to us at the USPCA. He was staying in the reception area where he would greet visitors. We will miss you so much Kurti, we are so glad that you are in a lovely and caring hands of Ulrike and Bernd and for giving you a forever home.

USPCA wishes Ulrike Iglauer, Bernd Iglauer and Prince Kurti all the best in their life in Germany and hope to see them again in future!!

Kurti at The Haven in December

Kurti has a good bye party at The Haven

Kurti at home in Germany

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