Mbwa wa Africa, located in Arusha, Tanzania, became an AKI partner organization in January 2017. We welcome them to the AKI family! These--the cats, dogs, and the wonderful rescues and adoptions--are some of the reasons we wanted to support MwA and we think our donors will agree!
MwA had brought Indira and her 5 kittens to the shelter (Photo 2), a much safer location than the restaurant where they had been living (their story is on the AKI website,
In early March, mama cat Indira was adopted with 1 of her kittens, Mernerva. They were the last of the family to be adopted--it's so nice they can remain together in their new home (Photo 1)!
Maya's story is also on AKi's MwA page (link above). She was so tiny when MwA rescued her from a drain (Photo 3). She and Louise, who grew up at the MwA shelter, has a big new family now with Flora, John, their children, and ex MwA rescue dogs Oki and Donovan (Photo 1)!

After almost one year at the MwA shelter, gorgeous Lupin found a wonderful home (Photo 4). Lupin came to MwA at only 8 weeks old from the streets of Karatu. He was always a little shy with strangers and loud noises scared him. But he was very friendly, never aggressive, and very quiet--he was a great example of how a perfect dog can be 'invisible' in the shelter-puppy-crowd when adopters come looking. His fellow pups would show off and be playful, while Lupin would come for a polite greeting and then back off, invisible again.
Until Bea came 'just to visit' and found in Lupin the dog she always wanted! Finally Lupin has a real home and a dog brother, Georgy!

And Lupin isn't the only lucky dog (or cat) at MwA (see Photo 5)! Sarah fell in love with Moquito when she came to look for a friend for her puppy Tusker. Fivel found a home with human Kelly and dog Zuma, who was adopted 2 years ago from MwA. Benson couldn't decide which of two brother cats, Harry or Ronny, he liked the most and went home with both of them! One of the "French girls"-as MwA calls them--little Florance, stole Bethany's heart, who was looking for a companion for her beloved dog Nyota, who had been rescued by MwA (she's become a strong and beautiful dog after her poor puppy-hood).

Minou is one tough kitty! Dennis, a nice shop owner, found her on the street and took her in because she obviously needed help. But he knew she needed more help than he could give. He brought her to Merlino Vet Clinic and from there, on March 3, she came to MwA (Photo 6). At that point, she was only 12 weeks old and only one of her legs was functional. One back leg was broken, one had a wound, but no muscles and she wasn't using it, one front leg had a nasty wound and was paralyzed. Even with all that, she was a total sweetheart! She let MwA staff do physiotherapy and she was eating well and cleaning herself--good signs! Now Minou is doing incredibly--she's using all her legs except the right front, which may be permanently paralyzed. She can't move her paw or claws on that leg, but she can control the leg from her shoulder, so it isn't just dangling around anymore. Maybe she will soon be using all 4 legs, but even if only 3 are functional, she's sure come a long way (Photo 6, left and Photo 7).

At the beginning of February, someone dumped these 9 little puppies at the river, in an isolated area, where they were just left to die. Luckily, Margaret and Saira saw them, and brought them to MwA (Photo 8). Why and how they ended up there we will never know, but MwA welcomed them and is determined to find loving homes.

But sadly, on March 1, sweet Hera (Photo 9), who was always the tiniest and weakest of the 9, only half the size of her next bigger sibling, died. They were all infested with parasites and after she struggled with a a very bad stomach infection, she just couldn't fight any longer. Hera's short life lasted for only 6 weeks, almost half of that time she spent with MwA, where she was well cared for and loved.

On March 1, 3 puppies (Photos 10 and 11) arrived at the MwA shelter. A German MwA volunteer found them in a field. She kept them for one night, but couldn't keep them any longer. They are 8 weeks old and look quite healthy. On their very first day at MwA, after they had a good sleep, they were ready to play as if nothing had happened to them!

In mid-March, 4 motherless cuties (Photo 12) were rescued just in time. First Keanu (a girl) arrived, and later her siblings Murphy, Otis, and Rudi--all girls!--turned up at the shelter. They were only about 3 weeks old when rescued, but are doing really well thanks to MwA volunteer Louise, and other helpers, Kathi, Anika, and Sophie.

Vet Care!
His young owner brought Bossi (Photo 13) to an MwA spay/neuter clinic at the end of February. He was was hoping MwA could help his tiny 3 month old pup, who had a severe intestinal prolapse, probably due to massive worm infestation. He had surgery, and he's been at the MwA shelter for further treatment and close monitoring. Bossi is doing well so far and is extremely happy and sweet. Hopefully he'll go home to his young, caring owner soon!

MwA is a good neighbor. When their neighbor's dog Max was ill, on March 10, they went to MwA for help. MwA brought Max to the shelter for observation. They noticed that Max was licking her paws and they found paint on them. She must have had a bout of poisoning, and luckily she recovered quickly and MwA was able to send her home after just a few days at the shelter, on March 7. She was still a bit stiff in the hind legs, but her tail could wag! Her human family was very happy to have her back home. Actually the little boy in the family couldn't believe that she's the same dog that MwA took in just a few days earlier. MwA donated a dog collar to Max and her family.

If these rescue and adoption stories make you want to donate to AKI for MwA, just go to our Donate page and designate MwA for your donation. If you still need more convincing, we have SO many more stories to tell you...stay tuned!