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Organizzazione partner AKI-Sauvons nos Animaux

Two horses surrounded by many people on the beach in Ghana where the Six Freedoms advocates and trains in humane professional horse care.

La partnership di AKI con Sauvons nos Animaux

Sauvons nos Animaux è la nostra ultima organizzazione partner, aggiunta dal 1 gennaio 2022! Dopo aver ricevuto un AKI Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant nel 2020 e un secondo nel 2021, abbiamo deciso di aggiungere SnA come partner.

È davvero difficile salvare cani e gatti e gestire un rifugio per animali nell'est della Repubblica Democratica del Congo: la regione è molto povera, è piena di conflitti e le catastrofi naturali (terremoti, inondazioni) sono frequenti. Ma Paterne Bushunju, fondatore e direttore di SnA (foto proprio al rifugio SnA), è determinato a garantire che i "suoi" cani e gatti ricevano il livello di cure che otterrebbero se fossero gli animali domestici di qualcuno. E speriamo di aiutarlo a raggiungere questo obiettivo.

Horse groom leading one of the Six Freedoms rescued horses through a pasture at the sanctuary ranch.

Photo Above: Newly rescued horse, Jah Bless, and Groom Eddie stroll through the lush Asafo ranch. The story of Jah Bless is here in our AKI Blog,

For the owners and caretakers, the main sources of income are racing, beach rides, and religious festivals. All these events are known for horse abuse. Mostly, caretakers live a life without dignity, too, in wooden shacks or horse rooms, surviving "hand to mouth." The horse owners only see their horses for special events and shy away from the responsibilities that go along with being an animal owner.

The Six Freedoms rescues severely neglected horses who need special care. Due to limited means, and because taking care of a horse is very expensive, and the horses under The Six Freedom's care require significant time and attention, currently, the number of horses they can actually rescue is limited.

Since The Six Freedoms doesn't yet have their own property, they rely on Ranch Eva Lydeking in Akim Asafo and Kingdomstable in Aplaku, Weija, Accra where their rescued horses are brought to recover. Ulla, Eva, and the grooms at Eva's ranch coordinate closely on all Six Freedoms' rescued horses.

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To expand their influence, The Six Freedoms works with other stables in Ghana with about 80 horses in total; the Accra race course; the Accra police stables; and key people in Ghana's horse community, such as well-known jockeys, trainers, and horse owners.


The Six Freedoms' work is becoming widely known and the horse community is now acknowledging this new way of working with horses and asking for advice, even offering more horses to The Six Freedoms to take care of. Each horse that The Six Freedoms rescues and recovers increases their visibility in the horse community, and more and more people are requesting their help. 


The Six Freedoms currently takes care of their 13 rescued horses. And through their collaboration with local and international experts on horse nutrition, care, horse behavior and training, The Six Freedoms is able to help many more horses. They readily share hands-on knowledge about horse welfare, throughout the horse community.

Animal Kind International supports rescue and protection efforts for horses in Ghana in Africa including promoting training in good care of teeth.

Caring for teeth (left), hooves (right), and coat, a good diet and exercise are all part of caring for a horse. The Six Freedoms works with local and international horse professionals to promote this training.

Animal Kind International supports rescue and protection of horses in Ghana in Africa including training in and promoting good care of hooves.

Le immagini a destra mostrano le due sovvenzioni dell'Organizzazione per il benessere degli animali con sede in Africa che SnA ha ricevuto:


Nel 2021 SnA ha ricevuto una sovvenzione AKI per assumere un veterinario e un assistente veterinario per sterilizzare e castrare tutti gli animali domestici del rifugio e per fornire altre cure veterinarie necessarie.


Dopo il 1° paio di mesi, gli interventi chirurgici sono stati sospesi perché c'era una "carestia" al rifugio.


Le donazioni sono diminuite, i prezzi sono aumentati, SnA ha avuto problemi a raccogliere i soldi necessari per acquistare cibo per sfamare cani e gatti.  I donatori dell'AKI e altri sono venuti in loro soccorso e hanno raccolto fondi per cibo per cani e gatti in modo che gli animali del rifugio potessero riprendere le forze e gli interventi chirurgici potessero continuare.


Nel 2020, con il contributo dell'AKI, SnA ha costruito una struttura di quarantena e un recinto per cani per ospitare circa 25 cani nel canile. 

The 6 Freedoms are: Freedom.....

From hunger and thirst

From discomfort

From pain, injury, and disease

To express normal behavior

From fear and stress

From being property

How your donations were used

A pie chart showing how our rescue and protection organization in Ghana in Africa the 6 Freedoms spent your donations in 2023.
Pie chart showing that The Six Freedoms Ghana uses AKI donations mainly for horse feed and supplements.

The Six Freedoms - Updates from the AKI Blog

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Animal-Kind International

Casella postale 300
Jemez Springs, NM 87025 USA 
Telefono: 575-834-0908

Animal-Kind International achieved Great NonProfit status 2024 for animal rescue and protection around the world.
Animal-Kind International achieved the Platinum Candid Seal for animal rescue protection welfare and care around the world.
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Il codice fiscale dell'AKI è 74-3230332

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