Read what people are saying about AKI
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Sarah with Twala Trust-Zimbabwe, a 2022 and 2023 recipient of our Africa-Based Animal Welfare Organization Grant Program and now a Partner Organization:
"The gratitude we all feel for this generous support is immense - it has provided so many dogs with nutritious food, and has been a tremendous relief to us to be able to feed the dogs as they need, and deserve. The happiness and positive outcomes of our Doggy Tuesday programme are so important to our community, both the people who rely on their dogs for security and companionship, and for the beautiful dogs themselves who despite their hard rural lives are always such a delight to see with their tails wagging in anticipation as they head down the road for their weekly feast. Thank you for Animal-Kind and all that you achieve; it is truly the most inspiring organisation making a genuine difference on the ground." (Sarah, 2022)
Photo Above: Doggy Tuesday at the Twala Trust Sanctuary. Every Tuesday, Twala Trust welcomes about 600 dogs belonging to people in the local community. All dogs get a healthy helping of food along with some take-home goodies. Basic veterinary care is provided, and when more advanced care or spay/neuter is needed, arrangements are made for free vet care.
Reni van der Merwe (Bubu's Animal Haven-Namibia, a 2023 AKI Grantee): Thank you to everybody at Animal-Kind International. I am very proud and I think we all together did a great job! It became even better, nicer and bigger as what I was expecting. It is a little cat paradise and I hope that you might be able to come and visit, and see it with your own eyes.
Sandra con Mbwa wa Africa , Tanzania, un ex socio de AKI:
¡AKI es la única organización que apoya nuestro trabajo en refugios! Ayudan a pagar las facturas de alimentos, personal y todos los servicios públicos, lo que hace que la vida de nuestros animales sea segura y cómoda. Sin el refugio de la MWA, muchos perros no podrÃan recibir ayuda. No tendrÃamos instalaciones para cuidar a los perros heridos de la calle o de la aldea (que normalmente pertenecen a familias pobres de Tanzania), no podrÃamos criar cachorros y gatitos huérfanos y a nuestros residentes K9, que a menudo están enfermos, discapacitados, viejos o demasiado asustados para ser adoptado, no tendrÃa hogar. ¡Asà que aquà hay un GRAN agradecimiento a Karen, AKI y todos sus seguidores!
Geesche con Have A Heart-Mobile , un socio de AKI:
¡Todos en Have a Heart y todos los gatos y perros dicen GRACIAS x 1000 a Animal-Kind International! ¡Muchas gracias por el gran apoyo financiero! Muchos perros y gatos no habrÃan sido esterilizados o castrados, desparasitados y vacunados (¡todos sobrevivieron al brote de moquillo!) y ningún perro habrÃa tenido una casa para perros sin AKI y la gran gente que lo apoya. ¡GRACIAS! ¡Y también quiero decir gracias por todo el apoyo moral! Gracias por tener siempre un oÃdo abierto cuando necesitaba ayuda o simplemente alguien con quien "hablar". ¡Animal-Kind International es el mejor!