Animal-Kind International

Oct 21, 2017

Uganda SPCA Uses Your Donations for Their Top Priorities!

AKI partner organizations use AKI funds for their priority needs--as long as it furthers animal rescue, protection, and welfare. This is so important for the USPCA because without AKI donors, they wouldn't have the money for rent, staff salaries, transport to rescue cats and dogs, and other priorities --all things needed to keep the USPCA Haven (the only animal shelter in Uganda) open and operating! Read below about some of the ways that AKI donors have helped the USPCA during April through July.

Your donations to AKI (1st of 3 disbursements we'll make during 2017) for Uganda SPCA have covered:

1. Repairs and construction (US$364)

-Repairs to the water line, water tank, and electricity line at The Haven

-Repairs to the office locks

-Construction of 1 dog house for a new kennel: plywood, wood, nails, and other material

-New screen for Haven Manager Alex's laptop

2. Salaries

-Supplement to Alex's (Haven Manager) salary-April, May, and June

3. Airtime, electricity, fuel wood to cook cat and dog food for 2 months, July and August (US$170)

4. Medicines (US$380)

Thiopental, Syringes, Blades, Tape, Surgical gloves, Examination gloves, Sevostat, Lidocaine, Surgical spirit, Xylazine 50mls, Ketamine, Water for injection, Probeta N eye drop, Sapona, Rabies vaccinations, Parvo vaccinations, Dudu dust, Iodine, Hydrogen.p. Cotton, Biscodyl, Sevin dust

5. Cat and dog food and cat litter for 2 months, July and August (approx. US$1400) includes posho, meat, mince, bones, silverfish, rice, milk

6. Rent for June and July

7. Transport for rescues for 2 months, June and July to Kololo, Kasanga, Muyenga, Bukoto, Ntinda, Lubowa, Namuwongo, Bugolobi, Naguru, Entebbe, Mukono, Naalya, Lweza, Bunga, Garuga, Katasa, and Mutungu (US$202)

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE CATS AND DOGS? Here are some of the rescues and rehabs that your donations have made possible over these months.

On 7 July, the USPCA received a call from a resident of Lubowa about a dog who needed help. Off went the USPCA team to look for the dog, but when they arrived, they couldn't find her. So the next day, they returned and this time, found her sleeping outside the entrance of the small supermarket-where the caller had said she'd be. They saw that she had a growth on her eye, so they transported her to The Haven, where on 13 July, the USPCA vet, Dr. Josephine, successfully removed the growth (before/after pictures below). They named her Lucky.

On the night of 23 July the USPCA received a call about a dog who had a wound on his side. The USPCA team rushed over and found the dog at the caller's compound, but it took a few hours to actually capture the dog because the compound is large and it was night time and dark. When they brought the dog back to The Haven, they could see the wound looked like a burn from some weeks before that had already started to heal (see picture below). He was treated at The Haven and is now doing fine.

On 27 July, the USPCA got a call about a dog with mange, who needed help. They found the dog and brought him to The Haven, where he was treated and recovered from mange (picture below, the day of the rescue).

Also on 27 July, Myra rescued 3 puppies in Entebbe and brought them to The Haven. Jacqui and Alex removed 24 maggots from 1 puppy and 10 each from the other 2 puppies!

On 11 August, Jacqui (USPCA staff member) rescued this kitty from a drainage channel. The poor thing was soaked and covered with mud. Jacqui cleaned her up, gave her a good meal, and she's now doing fine at The Haven (2nd picture below).

On 15 August, Ochana John Joseph took the time to bring this dog to The Haven. Ochana's previous boss left Uganda and left Tuyoo behind. Ochana's new boss doesn't like dogs and he threw Tuyoo out! Ochana had been with Tuyoo for over a year, and couldn't stand to see him thrown out of his home. Thank you Ochana for taking the time to care for poor Tuyoo, who is now safe and getting the love he deserves at The Haven.

On 16 August, a caller to the USPCA reported a dog with only 3 legs at Aero Beach in Entebbe. The USPCA headed to Entebbe, where they found her sleeping under an old plane (picture below). No one knew how she lost her leg-it's an old injury. She is a very sweet girl and the USPCA team had no trouble getting her in the vehicle and taking her to The Haven. Her name is now Nora.

Another Lucky! On 16 August, the USPCA rescued this girl at Kitukutwe after people chased her and she entered someone's compound for safety. The villagers accused her of entering a kitchen and eating the food that was meant for their evening meal. Thank you to Sarah Mukisa for contacting the USPCA so they could come rescue her!

On 20 August, the USPCA received a call about a very thin dog staying outside the caller's gate in Bunga-Kauuku. The USPCA team found the dog just where they were told she'd be. She's now at The Haven.

On 23 August, the USPCA rescued this girl at 8:30 at night in Lweza off of Entebbe Road, a busy part of the city, not a good place for a dog to wander at night! The USPCA team brought her back to the shelter for safety and care.

On 24 August, Helen K. brought these 5 kittens to The Haven after she rescued them from busy Kira road. Amazing that they weren't hit by a car! Thank you Helen!

The USPCA team rescued Police 4 April at Mutungu-Lobowa. He had a very bad case of mange (1st picture below). On 26 July, Alex sent a picture of Police fully recovered (2nd picture below).

The USPCA rescues and rehabilitates so many cats and dogs. And they also find great adopters (requirements are-spay or neuter, home visit, and able to provide good care).

Castro used to volunteer at The Haven. He asked Alex if he could adopt a pet and Alex told him to talk to his parents first to see if they'd agree to adopt a cat or dog. The whole family then came to The Haven to choose a pet. Lulu was the lucky one (picture below)!

Moses Ankunda chose Charlie as his pet companion (picture below).

Lilly and Lupin were adopted from The Haven as young kittens, about 10 weeks old. Here they are at the end of August at their home.

Lala was at The Haven for 2 months when on 29 August, Nigel applied to adopt her. On 10 September, she went home with her new family!

Charlie Denzel Mwiyeretsi of Urban TV adopted this beautiful cat from the USPCA. In the picture below, Alex Ochieng is taking a picture of the new dad with his kitty.

Walube Christopher adopted 2 USPCA dogs at the end of December. Alex visited them at the end of July to check on how they're doing--obviously, everyone is doing great!

One of the best things is to see an old friend return and to see that friend happy and healthy in their forever home. Fuchan was adopted from the USPCA shelter in 2008 and in 2016 Nakiddu brought Fuchan back to The Haven for a rabies vaccination! Thank you Nakiddu for taking such good care of Fuchan. This is what we wish for every cat and dog.

The number of cats and dogs at the USPCA Haven keeps increasing. As hard as the USPCA tries to find good homes, each month, more cats and dogs enter The Haven than go to their forever homes. And that's 1 reason we're raising money so the USPCA can purchase land for a larger, more animal friendly space for Uganda's cats and dogs in need of sanctuary. And we so rely on your donations to keep the USPCA Haven open, operating, providing loving care for all the cats and dogs that enter their gate, and providing vet care and spay/neuter to all animals in need.

Please consider a donation to AKI for USPCA:

These are just some of the kitties at The Haven--they'd love more space and we'd love to be able to securely and comfortably save so many more who need Uganda SPCA's help!

#Uganda #TheHaven