Animal-Kind International

Oct 12, 2017

Katutura Feeding and Pet Care Project: October 2017 Update

Katutura (Otjiherero for The place where people do not want to live) is a township of Windhoek, Khomas Region, Namibia. Katutura was created in 1961 following the forced removal of Windhoek's black population from the Old Location, which afterwards was developed into the suburb of Hochland Park ( In 2006, the population of Katutura was estimated at 150,000. Although there are many middle class-type homes, the majority of the population lives in housing similar to the houses shown in the photo below. Until recently, with the start of Erika's Katutura Project and with AKI partner organization, Have A Heart's entry into Katutura, there was no available (affordable and easily accessible) vet care for Katutura's cats and dogs. Erika sent this update on how AKI funds were used in Katutura and Aranos (a farming community adjacent to the Kalahari desert) from June-September 2017.

[Photo credit:]

From Erika:

Thank you AKI for the 1st disbursement of 2017, which we received in May. Of the total amount received, we used US$300 for 8 spay surgeries, including the 5 dogs in Aranos in the picture below. (As always, I sent most of the disbursement from AKI to the rural SPCAs and used some for the Katutura Project.)

On 10 May, when our group of volunteers visited Katutura to take cat and dog food, to dip dogs, and give other basic care, we received many enquiries from the people in Katutura about spays. So we used AKI funds to spay 3 Katutura dogs and we plan to take more cats and dogs in for surgery in the future.

On Saturday (3 June), we again visited Katutura with food and basic medicines. I noticed at the dipping that there are more skinny dogs than before. This could be because the economy here is in a very bad shape and thus a lot of businesses had to close down. Katutura-and its cats and dogs-is probably feeling the effects of this.

We went feeding and dipping in Katutura again on Saturday (15 July). The wind was blowing quite strong and as there are no tarred streets and gardens, it was dust all over. This time I took some clay along for the kids to make animals with (instead of painting pictures of their animals). We had a first, a pet rat was one of our clients.

We didn’t go dipping and feeding last month (August), because Erika H. (my friend who always organizes the days) was on leave and as it was school holidays, all of our volunteers were away. We must be at least 3 people. One dipping, one distributing food, and one powdering cats, applying ointment to ears, giving worm pills, etc. So we went again on 23 September and were greeted very happily. Some of the people thought we would not come anymore and were really glad to see us and we were very busy.

For AKI's 2nd disbursement for rural Namibia SPCAs, we are again using US$300 from the total to spay dogs: 4 dogs in Aranos have already been spayed (20 Sept). You can see their happy and grateful owners and the dogs in the photos. We will also use some of the AKI money to spay 5 dogs in Katutura. And as always, we will send some of the AKI disbursement to the rural SPCAs and use some for our Katutura Feeding and Care work. We are always grateful to AKI donors and will keep sending news from Namibia.

#Namibia #Katutura