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AKI Memory Wall
In Memory of Animals and People We Will Never Forget

If you'd like to make a donation in memory of a loved one, please send us a message with the name of the pet or person being memorialized and if applicable, the name and address where we should send a note about your kind generosity.  Your loved one's memory lives on in the good work your donations make possible.

Memory Wall: Please click on a photo to see the full picture and memorial.

In Memory of Lou Ann Graham

Sharon donated to AKI in memory of her mother, Lou Ann Graham, an amazing woman and a life-long lover of animals.  Lou Ann was full of life and love for family, the arts, nature, animals, and social justice. Among other passions and achievements, Lou Ann was one of the founders of First Unitarian Animal Advocates, she was a substitute teacher at an Albuquerque high school, she taught drama, was an author, and was active in local theater productions. She passed away peacefully on November 1, 2016 at the age of 90. She remained active, interested in others, and always so interesting to talk to up to the end. 

In Memory of Harry

Leticia Andino rescued Harry; he had been abandoned at a local church near where they live in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. He was in really bad shape, covered with fleas and ticks, very thin, he had problems breathing, his fur was so dull, and in places, it had fallen out.  Letty and her family adopted him and nursed him back to health.  But he still had nose bleeds and problems eating and breathing. During July (2016), Letty's family had to take Harry to the vet several times to be treated for his health problems. 

Then, during the 3rd week of July, he had two days of severe hemorrhaging.  He died Friday night, July 22. He was such a sweet dog. He was part of Letty's family for 8 months, and during that time he was much loved.

Memorial for a pet dog
Memorial for a pet dog

In memory of Amadeus

Dudley sent AKI this memorial for his beloved dog, Amadeus.

My rescue dog, Amadeus, died on June 16 at the age of 15 (approximately).  Amadeus was rescued from death row in an animal shelter in New York by Fur Friends in Need.

Memorial for a pet dog
Memorial for a pet dog

 I adopted him in March of 2011.  At 10, he was considered too old to put up for adoption, even though he was a pure bred Japanese Chin.  He had some health issues, but nothing serious.  He was not able to walk or even stand in his last three months.  He died at home in his bed. Amadeus had a very sweet disposition; everyone loved him.

Kelly donated to Uganda SPCA in memory of her husband, John.

"John was an animal lover. Timbre was his cat - Timbre fought cancer at the same time John did, so they were eternally bonded. I think she did what she could to save him."


John fought kidney cancer for 5 years, continuing to work at his job at Dolby Laboratories most of that time. Sadly though, he had to stop working in June 2014, and passed away in January 2015 at age 50. Eventually, after John passed, Kelly left for Uganda to volunteer at a school.


While there, she took on the care of some kitties, including a mama cat, Zena, and her kittens. 

Memorial for an Animal Kind International supporter.

Before Kelly returned to the US, she wanted to ensure that the kitties would be in a safe environment, so she contacted AKI, we contacted Uganda SPCA, and they sent a car to Mbarara (2 1/2 hours from Kampala) to pick up the kitties and bring them to The Haven, where they will have a loving home until they are adopted.  Kelly, our heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Thank you for caring about Uganda and about Uganda kitties, from AKI and Uganda SPCA.

Memorial for an Animal Kind International supporter.
Memorial for an Animal Kind International supporter.

Dudley donated to AKI in memory of Melusina, a Lop rabbit, and Persephone, a Chihuahua.

Dudley adopted Melusina from the Monmouth County SPCA in December 2014. She had a hind leg amputated in May, but was able to move around well and was always in good spirits.  She was always with Oscar, her mate, and used Dudley’s dog, Puppy, as a pillow when they were on the bed together.  Melusina’s death was sudden and totally unexpected. Dudley took her to the vet because she was having trouble moving around and she died in the vet’s office of cardiac arrest on November 21, 2015. She was only 4 or 5 years old. 

Dudley also adopted Persephone from the Monmouth County SPCA in July 2006 when she was about 6 years old. Persephone died on June 7, 2015 when she was about 15. 


April 2017: In memory of the Bolton's dog Jake, Lara A. and Rob W. donated to AKI.  Jake's memory lives on through this donation, which will help animals where the help is needed most and can do the most good.


December 2015: In memory of Tucker, Lara A. and Rob W. donated to AKI. Tucker's 1st mom and dad, Kaitlin and Matt A., and 2nd mom and dad, Lara and Rob, will miss their beloved Tucker.

November 2015: In memory of Ron & Karen's dog, Bruni:

From: Patti & Dana F., Betty J., Alice R., Jean M., Molly M., Jenny M., Lara & Rob


July 2015: Lara and Rob donated in memory of Tom and Carol Walter's dog Trixie of Biloxi.


June 2015: Lara and Rob donated in memory of the Cvijanovich's beloved cat, Minnie. 


May 2015: Wendy A. donated in loving memory of the Weinstein's dog, Jessie. 


August 2014: From Lara & Rob:In honor of Jake "the wonder lab"


November 2013: From Patti and Dana Foy & from Dave S.: In memory of Ron and Karen's dog, Eubie

From Lara & Rob: In memory of Eubie, for Hope 2's surgery (Uganda SPCA)


September 2013: From Ellen: In memory of the Kruman's dog, Boomer

August 2013: From Lara & Rob: In memory of the Brown's dog, Bo


In memory of Lara & Rob's dogs, Cashew and Nikki


From Jane: In memory of Chewbaca, Tiger, Winnie, Sophie, Apple, Penny and “all the other great 4-legged creatures that have graced my life!”


From Patti & Dana F.: In memory of their dog, Ollie


From Lara & Rob: In memory of the Altman’s dog, Chloe; in memory of David and Sandy’s dogs, Tracker and Lola; in memory of Rodney and Vivienne’s dog, Bailey; and in memory of Karen’s dog, Lucy


From Jean: In memory of “my sweet Rosie”


From Wendy: In memory of Gina’s kitty, Gem


In memory of Karen’s  dog, Lucy, from: Emily M. & Rick A.

Memorial for a pet dog

In memory of Diane C's dog, Lucky

My little Lucky found me just when I needed him most. He was a scruffy little starving stray who ran up to me, planted his paws on me, looked up at me with those chocolate brown button eyes - and captured my heart forever. I lifted him into my arms…. and that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship for the next 13 years.

He blessed my life with love and affection, brought joy, laughter and happiness into every day and, although he is gone from my sight, he will remain forever in my heart. Goodnight, God bless, my faithful little friend, I miss you every day. I am making a regular monthly donation to Stray Dogs Bosnia so that other poor little lost dogs can be found again and helped in your name. Until we meet again, Lucky. Bless you all for the wonderful work you do, Diane

Memorial for a pet dog

In memory of Brigitte's beloved old boy, Blacky (12 January 2015), who lived a long, happy life, but still left us too soon. He had a great life in Uganda with Brigitte and Tony and their other dogs.

Brigitte sent this beautiful memorial to Blacky:

Rest in Peace my lovely brave boy.

We had such good time together.

Always meeting me at the gate when coming back from work and ready to go and play in the garden with balls, even when you were sick and it was difficult for you, you never gave up.

I miss you so much, there is such a big empty space in my life, in our house without you.

Tara your girl friend and Buster your son are missing you too and are very quiet.  You will always have a special place in my heart and one day we will all be reunited.

Memorial for a pet dog

In Memory of Eubie

My dog Eubie had a large "fan club."  It was always interesting to see who, when they met Eubie, would also feel this connection to him, as Ron and I did. I think the ones who did are true dog people.  Eubie was born in Kampala, and Ron and I rescued him and his 3 brothers from a construction site, where we also met his very sweet parents. I found homes for his siblings; he outlived all of them by about 13 years.  Along with several other dogs and cats, Eubie lived with us in Uganda, Botswana, and Ghana before moving to Jemez Springs, NM, USA (picture with cowboy hat). Eubie was part basenji, a breed from Congo. A magazine article I read said that basenjis seek the most comfortable spot.


Eubie always took the pillow, and if there was a person around, who he could use as a pillow that worked too. Eubie was also known for being lazy, and when he was a puppy, one of his favorite things was to be carried around on Ron's shoulder (picture).  Eubie had a funny way about him, and one of my favorite things he did was stamp his feet, sneeze, and make various noises to let us know he wanted something (food, to go out, petting).


He was named after the jazz pianist, Eubie Blake, who wrote:

Be grateful for good luck,

Pay the thunder no mind-Listen to the rain!

And don't hate nobody.

That was Eubie to a T.

Eubie's last day was November 16, 2013 . He was 15 and 9 months old, and he was part of our family for all but his first 2 months of life. Eubie will always have a place in our hearts. - Karen Menczer, founder and director, AKI

In Memory of Lucy

Although we support organizations all over the world, we do not lose sight that AKI is about the individual dogs, cats, and other animals who need our help, as well as the animal welfare advocates in poor countries, who tirelessly work to improve the lives of animals. There are many dogs as wonderful and deserving as Lucy, and most don’t get the opportunities that she has had.  But they all should. AKI is dedicated to Lucy’s memory, in the hope that someday, all animals will be treated much more humanely.


Lucy was from Uganda, and had a very sad start to her life in Kampala. She spent about 18 hours a day chained to a wooden box, which was her "home" behind a food kiosk. During the day she was taunted by people who came to the kiosk.

Memorial for a pet dog

At night, she was let off the chain to guard, but she turned out to be a failure as a guard dog, and her owners asked me if I wanted her. From when she was about 1 1/2 years old, she lived with us in Uganda for four years, moved to Botswana, Ghana, and then Jemez Springs, New Mexico, USA with us, where she spent the last three years, two of them battling throat cancer, but she was always a sweet, gentle, and happy soul.  (Lucy aka Goosey Lucy aka Loose Goose, 1997-July 2010) - Karen Menczer, founder and director, AKI

Memorial for a pet dog

In Memory of Bully (from Deborah Binns, Kingston Community Animal Welfare):  -
I put Bully to sleep last Saturday, April 5. He was my dog for 12 wonderful years and I will miss him.

I first encountered Bully on my way home one afternoon when he was only 4 weeks old, lying on the side of the road in dirty water. I thought he was a rat.

I buried him beside my Poopsie darling and Starry, under the StarApple tree. Sleep well my little dog. rip.

Pilar's memorial to Mulana:

Mulana was an old dog when I rescued her, as she stood and repeatedly fell in front of the Catholic University near my house. She was terrified and tried to bite me as she fell over again and again nearly being hit by several cars. Luckily it was 7am and not much traffic. I enlisted a local teenager to keep her out of the street as I grabbed her to place her in the back of my car. This time I did get bitten and the teen was shocked to see the blood running down my arm and hand and asked if I was sure I wanted to rescue her.  Since her neurological symptoms seemed to indicate distemper, for the first six months at the HHHH sanctuary she was isolated away from the other dogs.  Whenever I fed her, I would pet her and call her name, which she eventually liked. About 10 days after I rescued her, she wagged her tail for the first time. She never tried to bite again.  Mulana was afraid to be in the back alone with the other dogs, and a couple of times, she jumped the back fence. (Because of her, AKI paid to have the fence repaired.)

Memorial for a pet dog

She loved being in the front yard, where she could see me. She would be on the couch or at my feet when I was here and outside near the door or sunning herself when I was gone. She never barked and had the biggest ears and most soulful eyes. She had nervous ticks and ground her teeth to nubs. She also moved constantly during her sleep slamming her legs into walls and other dogs. She was such a lover and I constantly look for her at my bedroom door each night or next  to me on the couch. She lived almost 4 years here and was 10 to 12 when she died in July.  We will miss her.   Mulana appeared in Guillermo Yuscaran's book about Pilar, "Sherry 'Pilar' Thorn: A Dog's Best Friend ("La Mejor Amiga de los Perros: Una Gringa Extraordinaria").

Memorial for a street dog

From Deborah for Starry, 28 January 2013, Kingston, Jamaica

This is my dog, Starry. I have had her with me for the past 6 years. I first saw her lying down at a gas station in downtown Kingston in 2006, all skinny and furless. I could tell she wasn't a young dog and she looked at me with the saddest eyes. I didn't have any food having fed my street dogs already but made sure to take food for her the following day.


Sure enough there she was at 8:15 am the next morning! I gave her a ton of food and she didn't stop until she ate it all.

I fed her every day after that then simply fell in love with her wonderful spirit. I named her STARSHINE because I found myself singing that song while she ate... " Good Morning Starshine, the earth says hello..." and I would sing just those lines over and over again cause I didn't know all the words! Once she even stopped eating to look at me with an expression that was probably pleading with me to please learn the rest of the words! lol!


I was always late for work too cause I had to wait until she was finished with her food cause I soon discovered a man in the gas station used to chase her and take her food for his dogs after I left!!!! Last year I discovered she had breast cancer. K, I cried and cried for my little "Starry". When I tell you she stole my heart...*sigh* I put her to sleep 2 weeks ago and buried her under my Soursop tree with her name on the tree...Starry.

Memorial for a pet dog

In Memory of Krypto

Supporter Elizabeth wanted her dog Krypto's memory to live on. Elizabeth's wish is that all dogs and cats have homes that are as caring as Krypto had. For that reason, Elizabeth decided to donate to Animal-Kind International in Krypto's memory, and she challenges others to do the same.


AKI thought this was a great idea, and we hope that this snowballs into many more donations in memory of pets loved and lost. What better way to pay your respect to them?

Animal-Kind International

PO Box 300
Jemez Springs, NM 87025 USA

Animal-Kind International achieved Great NonProfit status 2024 for animal rescue and protection around the world.
Animal-Kind International achieved the Platinum Candid Seal for animal rescue protection welfare and care around the world.
Through ebay for charity sales go towards Animal-Kind International global rescue protection care and welfare.
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AKI's Tax ID # is 74-3230332

Charity Navigator four star badge rating for Animal-Kind International for rescue protection care and welfare around the world.
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