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Animal-Kind International | We Appreciate Your Generosity!

A group of people sitting on a bench and holding their dogs

100% of your donations go to AKI-supported Animal Rescue and Protection Organizations-our Partner Organizations and Grant Recipients.


AKI is a 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the U.S. State of New Mexico. All donations are tax deductible in the U.S. to the extent the law allows.


For a donation of $15 or more, you can get a Pet Portrait!

Use the donation form to the right, write "Pet Portrait" in the notes section, and send an email to me with a clear, high quality pet photo you would like transformed into a portrait of your animal companion. Try to take your photo at pet's eye level of their head and chest, while they are looking at the camera. The size/quality of your photo will be the size of your printable portrait, so choose carefully!

Allow a week for processing time, and you will receive an email with your printable file/s. Download your file and print as many times as you want; or send your file to a commercial printer to create posters, coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc. Some examples below:

Pet Portrait with a donkey
SUPPORT Animal-Kind International

Use the Donorbox form to donate through PayPal, credit card, or bank transfer

Payment options

AKI's Tax ID #: 74-3230332


Thanks to your support, the financial assistance we send to our supported organizations help many 1000s of animals every year. We work closely with each organization to help them become stronger and more effective LOCAL advocates for and defenders of animals.


Any type of donation goes a long way in the countries where we work, whether a one time gift or a monthly/recurring donation. The form above has several donation options- including PayPal and credit card-- to securely donate online. Or save the online fee and send a check to the address below.

Designate an AKI Partner to receive your donation or leave it to AKI to use your donation where it's needed most.

You can donate in memory of or in honor of a loved one and we'll send a note to let them know of your generosity.

For check or money order:

Pay to: Animal-Kind International

Please send to:

Animal-Kind International

PO Box 300

Jemez Springs, New Mexico 87025 USA

We also accept stock donations at our Charles Schwab account. (This is a great way to get a tax break while making a huge impact on animal welfare.) If you have stock that has increased in value and have owned it for at least 1 year, you can donate it to AKI for a major tax saving and also eliminate capital gains tax on the transfer. Get in touch to discuss options for transferring stock donations (

Employer/Corporate Matching Gifts: Some companies match donations that their employees make to non-profits. We're very grateful to our donors who have requested a match from their employers. We've received matches from Microsoft, Google, Apple, Westinghouse, Simpson Strong Tie, and others. Please consider checking with your employer to find out if they'll match your donation to AKI.  

Vehicles for Charity logo

Do you have an old vehicle you'd like to donate rather than bothering to sell? We're an affiliate of Vehicles for Charity. It's so easy to donate a vehicle through VFC: call VFC or fill in the online form and submit it; VFC arranges pick-up; we receive 80% of the proceeds of the sale; you claim your tax deduction with the documentation provided to you by VFC. VFC accepts automobiles, trucks, vans, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, dirt bikes, boats, and trailers. Call 1-866-628-CARS (1-866-628-2277) or donate via this online form:

ebay-for-charity, sell items for Animal-Kind International

Unable to donate now? Here are some other ideas of how you can help:

You can sell an item on eBay and designate a % of the sale price for AKI. Or you can buy an item on eBay and donate to AKI at check out: AKI's info on eBay.

Check out our deferred giving/legacy program here. Contact us about your legacy wishes.

Help us spread the word about AKI: Download and print the AKI brochure, and place it in libraries, offices, and shops in your community.  Thank you!

Sign up for the monthly AKI e-newsletter, where you'll get info about animal welfare around the world. We greatly appreciate if you can share our newsletters with family and friends who also love animals:

Dog rescued from a military base in Niger Africa with help from Animal Kind International.

Animal-Kind International

PO Box 300
Jemez Springs, NM 87025 USA

Animal-Kind International achieved Great NonProfit status 2024 for animal rescue and protection around the world.
Animal-Kind International achieved the Platinum Candid Seal for animal rescue protection welfare and care around the world.
Through ebay for charity sales go towards Animal-Kind International global rescue protection care and welfare.
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AKI's Tax ID # is 74-3230332

Charity Navigator four star badge rating for Animal-Kind International for rescue protection care and welfare around the world.
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