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Animal-Kind International Blog
Each AKI Blog post features an AKI Partner Organization, AKI Grant Recipient, or an individual or organization making a difference for animals in low income/resource-poor countries, where there is very little public support for animal welfare. In posts about our supported organizations, you'll also find details of how they use your donations to AKI.

Avoid getting scammed by the animal rescue scam
The animal rescue scam starts with an invitation to follow a fake shelter on social media and donate for food and care for dogs in Uganda.
Animal-Kind International
Jul 30, 2024

Bosnia then and now: observations from a friend
We asked a friend of AKI's and an active animal advocate and animal welfare volunteer to tell us about changes she's seen for cats and...
Nov 11, 2023

AKI Grantee: Humane Africa Trust
[Linda Ncube is founder & director of Humane Africa Trust. In partnership with Tikobane Trust, also in Zimbabwe, in 2021, they submitted...
Linda Ncube
Dec 11, 2021

A Visit to Nairobi Feline Sanctuary
Joanne and her daughter Cassia are AKI "Friendly Audit" volunteers. They're helping our 2020 grant recipient, Nairobi Feline Sanctuary,...
Joanne Brown
May 18, 2021

Clean Water for Developing Countries By John Dracup
John has written a new, important book: Clean Water for Developing Countries.
Animal-Kind International
Mar 7, 2020

My Visit to Egyptian Society of Animal Friends
Many pairs of soulful eyes, canine and feline, look at me with eagerness and curiosity as I enter the courtyard of ESAF.
Animal-Kind International
Dec 25, 2019

A Stark Contrast: Kathmandu, Nepal & Asheville, North Carolina (USA)
Becca Rae Broughton examines the contrast between animal rescue in Nepal and at her new home in Asheville, North Carolina.
Animal-Kind International
Nov 11, 2019

KETI, the Dalmatian with a new lease on life
Karen Rae is a long-time animal rescuer and animal caretaker, who has lived in many countries and now resides in Nepal. Here is Karen's...
Animal-Kind International
Dec 11, 2018

A Rose in Niger
This story has everything: a dog, heroes and heroines, a heartwarming rescue, international intrigue, suspense, drama, comedy, and more....
Animal-Kind International
Jan 17, 2018

I am Wowed by KCAW, Part 2
AKI donors cover a significant portion of Kingston Community Animal Welfare's costs, which include dog and cat food, spay/neuter, and...
Animal-Kind International
Jan 13, 2017

I am Wowed by KCAW
In November 2016, I was in Kingston, Jamaica and spent 3 days with Kingston Community Animal Welfare feeding, petting, catching, and...
Animal-Kind International
Jan 12, 2017

They Call Me Dog Father
Tom Sandi (pictured below feeding community dogs) is one of the founders of CCA-SL. In his post for the AKI Blog, he tells us about how...
Animal-Kind International
Jun 23, 2016

My Achievement Raising Kind Kids in Africa
Chiemeka Chiedozie sent this article to AKI. It provides insight into what one person can do --and is doing--to improve the world for...
Animal-Kind International
Jun 6, 2016

Diana & Bully: A Ugandan Love Story
When Diana returned back home to Germany from Uganda, her friends and family warned her, “Do not send money to the shelter [The USPCA...
Animal-Kind International
Mar 30, 2016
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